
During presentations and workshops I mention books or articles that don’t fit into one of the other tidy resource pages—so I put them here. Let me know if there is something that I mentioned that you are looking for but alas have not found.

Economics of Scale (2003)

Should we scale up? Does it make sense to move from our fermentation practice to a micro business? How can our fermentation hobby or more than a hobyy be a bounty to our friends, neighbors, and community while be sustainable in terms of our time, energy, equipment, resources, and so forth? No single person can do it all, so how can we leverage our collective bounties, skills, and equipment to the benefit of the collective? Read the essay by Charles Eisenstein.

Global reach: the power of the multinational corporations (1974)

Concerns regarding consolidation and supply chains isn’t new and this book is a reminder that these concerns are not new. Read the book by Richard J Barnet and Ronald E. Müller.


Kojicon 2024: Natto & Related Funky Beans

